


9th level Cleric/Black Robe Wizard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Artha is the daughter of Takhisis, the Queen of Darkness, and Chemosh, Lord of the Undead, a result of a brief liaison following a quarrel between Takhisis and her consort Sargonnas. Though Chemosh disowned her, Takhisis hoped Artha would eventually assist her in the conquest of Krynn. But Artha showed no interestin Takhisis' quest for power. Much to the annoyance of her mother, Artha's sole passion was wealth and treasure. Disgusted wtih Artha's uselessness, Takhisis banished her. Artha eventually drifted to Krynn where she quietly accumulated immense caches of treasure and engaged in random acts of destruction and violence.
Artha normally appears as a hazy image of an obese woman shrouded in dark fog, draped in shreds of black silk. Dark liquid drips from her lumpy body. She also reeks of decaying meat, an aroma that permeates the air for 100 yards.
Thanks to the rejection by her mother, Artha is cold and unemotional. She craves wealth above all else and is indifferent to power.
Artha is sluggish and lazy. She refrains from combat, not out of fear, but because of the effort required. Artha maintains a battery of loyal minions - usually eyewings and black dragons - to do her fighting for her.

Silver Lance Bar
Silver Lance Bar

Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven