Other Names: Songmaster (Goodlund), Astra (Qualinesti),
Astarin (Silvanesti), Bran (Ergoth), Gardner (Mithas), Bardilun
Symbol: bard's harp, flute (Goodlund, Qualinesti,
Colors: yellow,
Sphere of Influence: elves, kender, forests, music,
Home Plane: Gladsheim
Branchala's Avatar
17th level Fighter or 20th level Bard
Alignment: Neutral Good
Avatar Descriptions
Branchala's avatar's assume the form of whatever folk he is visiting.
When choosing to mingle with mortals, he dampens his deific glow.
In this way, he can join in festivities without garnering bothersome
Branchala's avatars unfailingly display some association with the
forest. He appears as a woodsman, a ranger, a bard from a great
forest, or even a heathen druid - any guise associated with trees.
Branchala's God Stats
Intermediate God
35th level Fighter/Bard
Like all bards, Branchala loves music, singing, dancing, and
merriment. He fills his days with quick-witted jokes, clever ruses,
and songs to suit every occasion.
Branchala seeks singers and storytellers to spread the news about
the victories won by the Heroes of the Lance. Branchala hopes to
repair the wounded spirits of Ansalon's folk, encouraging them to
rebuild their world. Much remains to be done.
The Bard King Branchala is god of music. A companion of
Habbakuk, he followed his friend so he could help forge worlds
and imbue Krynn's first creatures with the lyric and untamed
melody of his immortal soul.
Branchala's music is the song of all living souls. His melodies evoke
undeniable passion in every listener's ear. Branchala's music dwells
to some extent in every creature of Krynn. Some even say that all
hearts beat in time to the mysterious melodies. Elves and kender
consider Branchala the highest god.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven