Other Names: Aeleth (Ergoth), Dron of the Deep (Tarsis),
Chemos Joton (Icewall), Khemax (Thorbardin), Lifebane
(Mithas), Orkrust (Hobgoblin)
Symbol: yellow skull
Colors: black,
sickly yellow
Sphere of Influence: all undead, nemesis, ravager
Home Plane: Web/Abyss - Fiendholme
Chemosh's Avatar
20th level Priest or Mage
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Avatar Descriptions
Chemosh appears as either a rakishly handsome man in a black
robe or as a lich clad in rotting finery. In either guise, he bears a
small obsidian sickle. The sickle always directs Chemosh to the
target with the fullest lifeforce (ie, highest level). Chemosh's true
form is that of a bloated satyr with a goat skull for a head.
Chemosh's God Stats
Intermediate God
29th level Cleric/Mage
Dead and dying creatures fascinate Chemosh. The desperate,
thrashing movements, the hoary rattle of water in the lungs, the
smell of decay all delight him. Even so, he plans never to
experience death himself, growing in power and longevity with
each minion he gains. And his skill at telling convincing lies assures
him many more minions.
Chemosh works closely with Takhisis to raise undead leaders for
her armies on Ansalon. In addition, Chemosh entices recruits with
false promises of immortality. He seeks to corrupt potential heroes
of Good.
In the Age of Dreams, Chemosh, lord of undead, was drawn by
Takhisis to Krynn after he was cast out from the Beyond by the
High God. She saw his usefulness in her scheme and rescued him
from the Void of Chaos and appointed him as a lieutenant to
marshal the legions of death.
As lord of false redemption, Chemosh offers "eternal life":
recipients spend immortality in an undead and eternally corrupted
body. Chemosh rarely explains this when making a pact with Evil
undead. Before they can reconsider, they find themselves to be
minions of Chemosh.
Worshippers of Chemosh generally wear white skull masks and
black robes.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven