Other Names: Wild One (Mithas), the Wilds
Symbol: feather
Colors: brown,
yellow, green
Sphere of Influence: nature, wilds, beasts
Home Plane: Happy Hunting Ground
Chislev's Avatar
25th level Druid
Alignment: Neutral
Avatar Descriptions
Chislev usually appears as a beautiful human or elvan woman. In
either form, her hair glows like golden sunlight, and her clothes
appear to be made from living plants. She carries a living wooden
staff. On occasions when she does not wish to speak with anyone,
she appears as a unicorn.
Chislev's God Stats
Intermediate God
34th level Druid
Chislev's moods can vary wildly. One moment, she may be
tempestuous, destructive, and harsh; but then she grows calm,
nuturing, and kind. In rare moments of summer despair, the day
grows cold and dark, and in brief glimpses of winter joy, the sun
breaks through and snows begin to melt.
Chislev feels each wound on Krynn's surface. She, more than any
other god, works to restore the land in the wake of the War. She
especially whishes to heal Silvanesti. To this end, her priests work
in concert with Habbakuk's. As nature is healed, Chislev grows
stronger. She does not want to dominate Ansalon, but to let nature
thrive again. Chislev opposes rampant industry and disputes
Shinare's notion that industry needs more attention than nature.
Chislev is nature incarnate. According to legend, the seaons
change with the moods of her heart; her fear brings the fall, her
despair the winter, her hope the springtime, and her joy the
summer. As well as the worship of mortals, Chislev receives the
praise of every beast of the field; every blade of grass turns toward
her as toward the sun. She is served by the master spirits of each
creature of Krynn, who animates wooden statues of their kind.
Chislev and her mate Zivilyn are said to dwell in Zhan, the grand
forest beyond the world. Elves believe that when worthy elves
grow ancient, they journey to Zhan to live with Chislev and Zivilyn.
The love between these gods fills all of Zhan with profound bliss.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven