Other Names: Gilean the Book, Gray Voyager, the Sage, the Gate
of Souls
Symbol: an open book
Colors: gray
Sphere of Influence: knowledge
Home Plane: Concordant Opposition
Gilean's Avatar
25th level Wizard
Alignment: Neutral
Avatar Descriptions
Gilean takes the form of a book-toting scholar of middle age, intent
on a particular topic and absent-minded about everything else. This
male or female avatar may appear as a human, dwarf, elf, or
kender. Although apparently self-absorbed, Gilean slyly tests the
preconceptions of folk he encounters. Those who learn from such
tests gain a bit of secret knowledge or an answer to a troubling
Gilean's God Stats
Greater God
40th level Cleric/Magic User
Gilean is modest in all things, never boasting of his knowledge or
power. He takes a scholar's delight in watching others discover
truth and solve problems. To Gilean, knowledge and beauty are
synonymous - worthy pursuits in their own rights without concern
for Good or Evil. Even so, Gilean realizes that most mortals view
knowledge as a mere tool of Good and Evil. But as long as mortals
seek knowledge, Gilean is content to let them think so.
Gilean fears for the peace of the cosmos. He understands and
appreciates both Paladine and Takhisis, and works to balance
them through diplomacy and enlightenment. When one side grows
too powerful, Gilean allies briefly with the other side or provides a
bit of knowledge like a merchant balancing a scale.
Although Gilean knows Good has to win the War of the Lance for
Krynn to survive, he fears that the forces of Good will tip the
scales too far. The Good gods' strength occasionally surpasses
their wisdom. The militaristic Kiri-Jolith proves a special worry.
Gilean is also worried about Takhisis who, stung by defeat, will
doubtless rise again soon. Gilean's priests have the doubly difficult
tak of watching both extreme factions, Good and Evil. Gilean
seeks more worshippers and priests to help him safeguard the
Gilean, patriarch of the Neutral gods, guards the book of all
knowledge and true names - the Tobril. Before creation, the High
God wrote the Tobril to lay down the designs of the universe.
After creation, none among the gods was trustworthy enough to
guard the Tobril, for its secrets were more powerful than the gods
themselves. So the High God searched Krynn for a trustworthy
mortal, searched through the depths of time. And he found only
one trustworthy soul - Gilean, a scribe so scrupulous as to have
never penned an error. The High God brought Gilean back to the
dawn of creation and entrusted him with the Tobril, saying, "Read
those passages you may. Their knowledge will make you a god
equal with all others. But guard this knowledge from all gods and
mortals, for on the day another reads of it, you shall surely die."
And so Gilean read the Tobril and has faithfully guarded it ever
since. But even some passages are sealed to his eyes, and can be
read only by the High God.
The High God made Gilean not only to guard the Tobril, but also
to lead the Neutral gods in retaining the balance between the
families of Good and Evil. The High God wrote this destiny for
Gilean in the stars, setting his constellation in the night sky between
Paladine's and Takhisis's. He holds them apart lest they war and
destroy all creation.
Gilean resides in the Hidden Vale, a valley of perfection, peace,
and serenity that exists everywhere and nowhere. Sometimes,
devout followers of Gilean's way find the Hidden Vale.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven