


Other Names: Blue Phoenix (Ergoth, Silvanesti, Qualinesti), Skylord (Balifor, Goodlund), Sea Lord (Mithas)
Symbol: blue bird, blue phoenix (Ergoth)
Colors: deep blue, white
Sphere of Influence: all animal life and the sea, creation, passion
Home Plane: Happy Hunting Grounds

Habbakuk's Avatar
15th level Ranger or Druid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Avatar Descriptions
Habbakuk occasionally appears as a large blue bird or phoenix aglow with blue flames. At sea, Habbakuk assumes the form of a giant blue dolphin. Purportedly, he has taken many other forms, including a badger, a wild elf, a serious but clever kender, a tall ranger with wildly black hair and intensely blue eyes, a wiry druid with white hair and beard, and many other creatures. In these guises, the color blue typically appears in the creature's coloration or clothing.

Habbakuk's God Stats
Intermediate God
27th level Druid

Hale and hearty, Habbakuk is always immersed in and obsessed with the present moment. This obsession makes him care-free and noisome one moment and predatory and silent the next. Some confuse this latter aspect with cruelty or Evil, but Habbakuk unfailingly acts for Good. Just as he allows a hungry tribe of plainsmen to bring down a fattened buck, so too, Habbakuk does not flinch from other violent acts for the purpose of Good.
Habbakuk, as Paladine's son and Kiri-Jolith's twin, wants to heal the scars on Ansalon itself, trying to reverse the damage done during the War of the Lance. Habbakuk specifically seeks to reclaim the Silvanesti homeland. To this end, he works with the Neutral gods of nature. Because Habbakuk founded the Knights of the Crown, their quests often help nature. In addition, Habbakuk works to keep the Evil Sea Queen Zeboim at bay.
Habbakuk created and rules all creatures of land and sea. Rangers and sailors especially revere him. He made the creatures in his likeness, and he is as feral and merciless as they. Still, in the furious cycle of predator and prey, there resides a natural harmony that also embodies Habbakuk. He is thus as fierce as a lion when dealing with Evil and as innocent as a doe when dealing with Good. Needless to say, Habbakuk is as much feared as he is loved. Because he represents the eternal cycle of nature, Habbakuk has become a symbol of eternal life beyond the world.
Son of Paladine and Mishakal, Habbakauk is Kiri-Jolith's younger twin. Together with his father and brother, Habbakuk established the Knights of Solamnia, creating the order of the Crown to champion his ways.

Silver Lance Bar
Silver Lance Bar

Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven