


Other Names: Betrayer (Mithas), Usk-Do (Hobgoblins), Hitax the Flaw (Thorbardin), M'Fistos (Istar)
Symbol: broken merchant's scales
Colors: red, bone white
Sphere of Influence: demons, damned souls, evil business practices, greed, slavery, betrayal
Home Plane: Web/Abyss - Fiendholme

Hiddukel's Avatar
14th level Priest or 18th level Mage
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Avatar Descriptions
Hiddukel prefers to appear as an obese man with cold, beady eyes and an oily smile. He drapes his expansive girth with the finest brocade and his knuckles are knobbed with false gemstones. Hiddukel avoids physical combat, relying on spells and hired monster bodyguards.

Hiddukel's God Stats
Intermediate God
24th level Cleric/Wizard

Hiddukel constantly seeks good bargains, which generally entail the swapping of a material object for one's spirit. Although he is calculating and predatory, Hiddukel often takes the guise of a fawning and fumbling merchant. Those tricked into bargaining with him generally lose their lives.
In the economic havoc after the War of the Lance, Hiddukel works to gain a choke hold on national economies. He directly opposes Shinare and, to a lesser extent, Reorx. Hiddukel offers great rewards to his followers for destroying the priests and temples of Shinare. Hiddukel, not being much of a fighter, fears Reorx and will not risk angering him.
Hiddukel, god of ill-gotten wealth and deals, is patron god of Evil businessmen and dishonest merchants. A cunning deal-maker, Hiddukel trades in living souls. Some say Hiddukel can even barter with Takhisis and come out ahead.
Hiddukel controls all ill-gotten wealth, using it to corrupt honest and greedy men alike. Greed and mischief drive all his transactions. One of his deals resulted in the creation of the Greystone, an artifact that wreaked havoc on Krynn.

Silver Lance Bar
Silver Lance Bar

Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven