Other Names: Coril (Ergoth), Kijo the Blade (Thorbardin), Jolith
(Kharolis), Qu'an the Warrior (Uigan), Emperor (Mithas)
Symbol: bison's horns, horned battle-axe (Thorbardin, Kharolis)
Colors: brown, white
Sphere of Influence: war, battle, courage, heroism
Home Plane: Twin Paradises
Kiri-Jolith's Avatar
25th level Paladin or 18th level
Alignment: Lawful Good
Avatar Descriptions
Kiri-Jolith most commonly takes
the avatar form of a Knight of
Solamnia, resplendent in beautiful plate armor. He often wields a
heavy lance in battle, the weapon bearing some semblance to the
famed Dragonlance. Occasionally, Kiri-Jolith takes the avatar form
of a huge minotaur wielding a battle axe.
Kiri-Jolith's God Stats
Intermediate God
29th level Fighter/Cleric
Kiri-Jolith is a war god, but not one possessed by bloodlust and
needless violence. He represents righteous warfare, launched to
right grievous wrongs. Kiri-Jolith's behavior reflects this orientation:
though his temper is not swift, it is sure when combat is justified.
Kiri-Jolith has a strong sense of honor and fair play. He targets the
guilty only and avoids involving innocents. Kiri-Jolith cannot
tolerate tyranny, fighting it with tireless heroism and discipline. His
zeal for the cause of Good is outstanding. He aggressively seeks to
rebuild his power base, recruiting worshippers to the war for
Kiri-Jolith, Paladine's son, is far more aggressive than his father.
As the war god of Good, he seeks to rebuild his power to counter
futher threats from the Dark Queen. He sees the draconians and
chromatic dragons as terrible threats. Kiri-Jolith actively recruits
for the Knights of Solamnia, seeking warriors with courage,
heroism, self-sacrifice, and obedience. Priests and Kiri-Jolith seek
out Evil and bring the battle agressively to them.
Kiri-Jolith is the god of glory, honor, obedience, justice, and
righteous warfare. Paladins and fighters who embrace Good revere
Kiri-Jolith. His constellation threatens the Queen of Darkness' in
the night sky.
Kiri-Jolith is the oldest son of Paladine and Mishakal, though he
preceded his twin brother Habbakuk by mere moments. The twins
and Paladine appeared before Vinas Solamnus and inspired him to
form the Knights of Solamnia. He did so, creating an order to
follow the teachings of each of the three gods. Kiri-Jolith is the
patron of the Order of the Sword.
Clerics of Kiri-Jolith are powerful in battle but must use these
formidable powers carefully, for they can lose their powers if
Kiri-Jolith feels they have violated the principles of good.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven