


Other Names: Luin (Ergoth), Red-Eye (Goodlund), Night Candle (Thorbardin), Maid of Illusion (Mithas)
Symbol: red circle or sphere
Colors: red,font color="#993399"> magenta
Sphere of Influence: neutral magic, illusionist magic
Home Plane: Limbo (originally), Border Etheral (currently)

Lunitari's Avatar
25th level Wizard
Alignment: Neutral

Avatar Descriptions
Lunitari usually takes the form of a beautiful, red-haired human woman clad in red robes. She has a cunning and capricious smile. Occasionally, Lunitari cloaks her avatar in a powerful illusion, which can be anything from a draconian to a gnome. Lunitari carries ruby red darts with her, which she uses only as a last resort.

Lunitari's God Stats
Intermediate God
40th level Wizard

Lunitari is a vivacious young woman with a mischievous streak. Her capriciousness has earned her homage even among the kender. She delights in all magic and illusions, but loves Neutral spellcasting most of all.
Lunitari wants to bring a magical renaissance to Ansalon. To achieve this aim, she works closely with Solinari, though she also heavily promotes her Red Robed Wizards.
Lunitari, goddess of Neutral magic and illusions, was born of Gilean and an unknown mother. (Some suggest she sprang full-grown from her father's thoughts.) She founded the wizardly Order of the Red Robes to promote Neutral magic. Most of Krynn's mages embrace her order because it allows them to practice magic without the moral shackles.
Lunitari and Solinari have long been friends and work well together. Like the other gods of magic, Lunitari chooses to remain close to Krynn to govern her order of mages. Lunitari's heavenly symbol, the small red moon, is called the "witching light."

Silver Lance Bar
Silver Lance Bar

Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven