Other Names: Manthus (Ergoth), Mantis of the Rose (Qualinesti),
Matheri (Silvanesti), Nadir the Dreamsender (Mithas)
Symbol: copper spider, single rose (Qualinesti, Silvanesti), mantis
Colors: copper, red
Sphere of Influence: meditation, control, thought, faith, mercy,
Home Plane: Elysium
Majere's Avatar
20th level Fighter or Priest
Alignment: Neutral Good
Avatar Descriptions
On Krynn, this quiest god takes one of two
forms. The first is that of a beautiful blind
female oracle. Despite her youth and
loveliness, the oracle is utterly bald. She has
fine features, a thin, sloping nose, and full lips. Majere also
assumes the form of an ancient man, equally bald. His stooped
body is wrapped in a burlap robe and he carries no weapon. In
this form, Majere's perpetual smile of serenity proves unnerving to
those who are not truthful with themselves.
Majere's God Stats
Intermediate God
53rd level Monk
Majere is contemplative and thoughtful. A quiet god, Majere
exercises an economy of speech that makes his pronouncements
singularly profound. Like the countless insects, Majere has a
humble aspect that can be easily overlooked. But like the insects,
Majere's wisdom is ubiquitous.
Majere does not compete for worshippers, but rather acts to
rebuild the faith of the people in all the old gods of Good. The
gods of Evil are another matter. Majere combats them with
merciless precision, particularly Chemosh, lord of the dead.
Majere is Paladine's friend, and is in no "competition" with him. He
seeks only to live a simple life of loyalty, faith, and mercy. He
wants followers who will do likewise.
Majere is the favored god of monks as well as the god of
organization, industry, control, mediation, faith and dreams. He
creates and inspires the martial arts and all disciplines that lead to
an honest confrontation with oneself. Majere's worshippers seek
simple lives, devoid of luxurious trappings but filled with
meditation, self-discipline, and deep thought.
Majere worked hand-in-hand with Paladine in creating and
populating Krynn. According to some scholars, Majere's crowning
creations are the insects of Krynn, who emulate the quiet god's
unassuming grace, introspective complexity, and ceaseless
industry. As Astinus once said, "Each of Majere's insects is an
elegant complexity of legs and armor that no gnosmish machine
could ever match." It is said that Majere will give his followers
symbols that, when cast upon the ground, become insects that fight
for their owner.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven