Other Names: Ka-mel-sha, the Healer in the Home
(Kharolis/Tarsis), Mesalax (Thorbardin), Meshal (Icewall), Mishas
(Ergoth), Quenesti Pah (Silvanesti), Quen Illumini (Qualenesti),
Skymistress (Goodlund), the Blue Lady (Balifor, Highlo), Empress
(Mithas), Bearer of Light, Light Bringer (Solamnia)
Symbol: Blue infinity sign
Colors: sky blue
Sphere of Influence: healing, knowledge, fertility, life, beauty,
Home Plane: Elysium
Mishakal's Avatar
20th level Priestess
Alignment: Lawful Good
Avatar Descriptions
Mishakal most commonly appears as a beautiful woman in
excellent health and physical condition. Her flawless skin radiates a
golden light unless she wishes to disguise herself. Even if she has
dampened her radience, her latent power often deepens the natural
blues in objects around her - blue blossoms, blue lakes, blue eyes,
and so forth. She wears a robe and carries no armor or weaponry
except her glowing blue crystal staff.
Mishakal's God Stats
Greater God
25th level Cleric
Mishakal is gentle and compassionate. She seeks to heal ills and
minister to all creatures through her servants on Krynn. Her
gentleness should not be confused with weakness, however, for
Mishakal touches every corner of Krynn with her power. If that
power were ever roused to anger, she would doubtless prove
Mishakal, like Paladine, manifested herself during the War of the
Lance. She desires only to heal the wounded land and recruit
compassionate priests to become new healers. These activities put
Mishakal and her followers in direct conflict with Morgion and his
worshippers. Mishakal wants to return her priesthood to its
pre-Cataclysm glory, when every settlement had a priest of
The fabled goddess of healing is known in nearly every culture and
country on the face of Krynn. In ancient times, she was the most
revered of the ministering gods and in her name many temples
were built for the teaching of the healing arts.
In more recent times, Mishakal is known as the Bearer of Light,
Light Bringer, and Quen Illumini as it was through her that the
knowledge of the true gods was restored to the world. Mishakal's
gift of the Disks of Mishakal again brought knowledge to men of
healing power and true clerics.
Mishakal is Paldine's consort and advisor. They have twin sons,
Habbakuk and Kiri-Jolith, as well as a third and younger son
named Solinari, the god of good magic.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven