Other Names: H'rar (Ergoth, Istar), Gormion (Tarsis), Morgi
(Icewall), Morgax the Rustlord (Thorbardin), Pestilence (Mithas),
Anthrax Goatlord (Hobgoblin)
Symbol: hood with two red eyes, upside-down axe (Thorbardin),
rat's claw (Hylo)
Colors: deep brown, black
Sphere of Influence: disease, decay, plague, weakness, plotting
Home Plane: Hades
Morgion's Avatar
20th level Druid
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Avatar Descriptions
Morgion has two favorite avatars: a thick, roiling black cloud with
two glowing red eyes, and a priestess or executioner wearing a
black hood and veil. Morgion speaks in a harsh whisper.
Morgion's God Stats
Intermediate God
37th level Druid
Morgion despises all things healthy, striving to destroy or corrupt
them with disease and decay. Morgion speaks little and rarely
attacks directly.
Morgion works to spread plagues and disease in the wake of the
War of the Lance. He actively sabotages Mishakal's attempts to
heal the people. His priests are ordered to infect Mishakal's priests
whenever possible. For this task he needs more priests, and
searches most diligently among the dark dwarves and the other
creatures of underearth.
Morgion, god of disease and decay, refuses the company of the
other gods and does not discuss plans with them. Alone, Morgion
broods in the bronze tower at the edge of the Abyss, keeping
thoughts secret from all but loyal minions. Those unfortunate
enough to encounter this reclusive god see a rotting humanoid
corpse - neither male nor female - topped with a goat's head.
Secrecy is Morgion's way, with distrust that rivals Sargonnas'.
Worshippers of Morgion meet in secret and dark places to do
their foul deeds. Their priestcrafts are secret as well and none
outside of their orders know their works fully.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven