Other Names: Nightreaver (Mithas), Darkness (Elian), Black
Hand (Balifor), Ungod (Thorbardin)
Symbol: black circle or sphere
Colors: black
Sphere of Influence: black magic
Home Plane: Acheron (initially), Border Ethereal (currently)
Nuitari's Avatar
25th level Mage
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Avatar Descriptions
Nuitari favors the form of a quiet, intense young man with jet-black
hair and along black robe. He also may appear as a wicked child.
Nuitari's God Stats
Intermediate God
40th level Wizard
Nuitari is perhaps the most approachable of the Evil gods. His love
for magic transcends his Evil nature. An intense and quiet god,
Nuitari displays a scholar's love for the magical arts. He continually
researches new spells to grant his priests and wizards, seeking the
universe's arcane secrets. But black magic comes at a price;
though it grants its users incredible power, it also slowly takes
control of them. Nuitari observes in wry amusement as those who
try to master his art are overcome by its dark power.
Nuitari, like Solinari and Lunitari, seeks to increase the presence of
magic on Ansalon. If he cannot recruit a mage to darkness, he may
encourage him to go renegade, causing headaches for Solinari and
Lunitari. He works distantly with the two other magic gods to bring
more and better magic to Krynn. But Nuitari would love it all to be
black magic.
Nuitari, god of black magic, drew his Evil nature from his parents,
Takhisis and Sargonnas. Like the other gods of magic, Nuitari left
his home plane to orbit Krynn in the Ethereal plane. He resides just
beyond the black moon that is his symbol. This moon, also called
Nuitari, cannot be detected unless it eclipses other stars and
moons. From this smallest of all moons, Nuitari watches Krynn
and fosters his greatest love - magic.
While wandering Krynn in avatar form, Nuitari founded the
wizardly Order of the Black Robes. This order espouses Nuitari's
belief that magic should be secretive and coveted.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven