Other Names: Anvil (Elian), Weaponmaster (Mithas), Reorx the
Master (Gnomes), Reorx the Craftmaster (Kender)
Symbol: Forging Hammer, Dwarven Hammer (Thorbardin)
Colors: slate gray, red
Sphere of Influence: dwarves, weapons, technology
Home Plane: Arcadia
Reorx's Avatar
20th level Fighter or Priest
Alignment: Neutral
Avatar Descriptions
Reorx takes the form of a powerful dwarven warrior, magical
hammer always in hand. Beneath his deeply-tanned skin rest
massive muscles. His long beard contains numerous braids and is
the blue-gray of tempered steel. Reorx carries a unique dwarven
throwing hammer (all qualities - range, damage, etc.- are
doubled), and wears a beautiful breastplate of adamantine.
Dwarves see the avatar as the perfect dwarven warrior in all
Reorx may also assume the form of a blacksmith of any race or
that of a wizened gnomish faerie who dwells in a forge. Regardless
of form, he always carries a hammer or the symbol of a hammer.
Reorx's God Stats
Greater God
37th level Fighter/Cleric
Dwarves report that Reorx displays many dwarven virtues. He is
sober, pragmatic, and dispassionate. He seeks efficient solutions to
any problems encountered. He is quiet, almost sullen, and
unexcitable. The art of smithing occupies him primarily though he
also has a passing interest in mining.
Humans paint a very different picture. They see Reorx as a rotund,
jolly dwarf given to excesses of gambling and drinking. His frivolity
and jocularity make him a wandering festival, lightening the hearts
of all who encounter him.
This vast difference in perception is attribuatable to one factor:
drink. Dwarves have witnessed only the sober and powerful Reorx
of creation; humans have witnessed only the drunken and carefree
Reorx of the gambling table.
Reorx has strong ties to the demihuman races of Krynn. Dwarves
are his foremost followers, remaining faithful even through the
Cataclysm. Because of their fidelity, Reorx works hard to restore
the glory of the dwarven race. He has forged an alliance with
Shinare to spur the dwarven industry. Reorx also works closely
with tinker gnomes, inspiring them to some of their grander
inventions. And, despite their scatter-brained tendencies, Reorx
loves kender, who were created by the Greystone of Gargath.
Humans are another matter. If they know of Reorx at all, they
regard him as comical. Even so, Reorx occasionally tests humans
to see if they are ready to return to faith.
The dwarves and gnomes of Ansalon consider Reorx - god of
manufacture, technology, and metallurgy - to be the greatest of
gods. Although humans see Reorx as the rotund helper of
Kiri-Jolith, dwarves and gnomes depict him as a powerful dwarf
with arms well-muscled from smithing.
According to all creation myths, Reorx tamed chaos to forge the
world. Most accounts also agree that the stars were sparks from
his hammer when he struck chaos. Reorx's second greatest
creation, the Greystone of Gargath, led to the creation of dwarves,
gnomes and kender. Many therefore consider the forge god to be
father of these races.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven