Other Names: the Alchemist, the Firemaster, the Wizard (Mithas)
Symbol: multi-colored fire
Colors: bright reds, yellows
Sphere of Influence: flame, natural power, change, transformation
Home Plane: Limbo
Sirrion's Avatar
15th level Fighter or Druid
Alignment: Neutral
Avatar Descriptions
Sirrion prefers to appear in fire and auguries of smoke or ash.
When he does take an avatar form, Sirrion appears as a tall man
with flaming hair, beard and eyebrows. He wears a robe that
periodically changes color, much in the fashion of flames. In battle,
he wields a two-handed flame tongue sword that no mortal can
touch. Any who touch it are attacked by the sword for double
damage; the attack continues until the offender dies or drops the
Sirrion's God Stats
Intermediate God
35th level Fighter/Cleric
Like the flames he controls, Sirrion flares quickly into fiery passion
and smolders long in quiescence. Although his moods may seem
chaotic, his passions respond to fluxes in nature. Seasonal changes,
solstices, and equinoxes bring violent emotional outbursts from
Sirrion, a fact that irritates Shinare deeply.
Sirrion cares little for mortal followers, though the beauty and
power of fire draw many to him. If he happens to notice such
hangers-on, he welcomes those who come sincerely and shuns
those who seek only power. Only when his wife Shinare gains
more followers (and thus more power) than he does Sirrion
actively seek priests. Gnomes especially love Sirrion because of
the steam power and smoke powder he provides.
Sirrion, god of creative flame and natural power, sculpts fire into
beautiful forms. He controls every flame, from the blazing sun to
the low-burning wick, channeling and filtering the feral power into
useful forms. But Sirrion is by no means tame: he sometimes
sparks forest fires to clear old and rotten trees and allow young
forests to grow; he also burns children who play with a candle
flame, teaching them to respect fire. And though he desires to
make fire useful, he wishes even more to make it beautiful.
Sirrion's companion is Shinare, goddess of wealth and commerce.
They quarrel because Sirrion is tempermental and artistic while
Shinare is practical and opportunistic. Their disputes are often of
cosmic proportions.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven