Other Names: Solin (Ergoth), White-eye (Goodland, Balifor),
God's Eye (Thorbardin), Ivory Disk (Highlo), Beacon (Mithas)
Symbol: white circle or sphere
Colors: white, silver
Sphere of Influence: good magic
Home Plane: Seven Heavens (initially), Border Ethereal (currently)
Solinari's Avatar
25th level Wizard
Alignment: Lawful Good
Avatar Descriptions
Because Solinari is closer to Krynn than the nonmagical gods, he
rarely assumes his avatar form. Still, when he must directly
intervene, he appears as an ancient, white-robed wizard. Unlike
Fizban, (avatar of Paladine), Solinari's avatar has a lucid, insightful,
and recursive intellect. He eagerly engages in converstaion about
magic though his mumblings often become too phrenetic and
cryptic to decipher.
Solinari's God Stats
Intermediate God
40th level White Robe Wizard
Solinari, Krynn's first White Robed Wizard, lives for magic. He
will happily discuss any topic of magic in infinate and boring detail.
Aside from Krynn, Solinari treasures magic over every aspect of
life, death, and afterlife.
Solinari's passion for magic remains undimmed with the passage of
time. Now he seeks to bring a great influx of worthy mages into the
White Robes. He works with Lunitari to strengthen the presence of
magic on Ansalon. Followers of Solinari seek out lost libraries,
treasure vaults, and any ruin that may hold spell books or magical
Solinari, third son of Paladine and Mishakal, is god of Good
magic. Solinari loves Krynn deeply and has granted his Good
magic to guard the land. He established the Order of the White
Robes to adminster Good magic.
Like the other gods of magic, Solinari chose to remain close to
Krynn, residing on the Ethereal plane near his symbol, the silver
moon. He spins through the sky and keeps his watchful eye on all
magic. He no longer has a home plane.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven