


Other Names: Dragonqueen (Silvanesti, Ergoth), Tii'Mhut (Istar), She of the Many Faces (Highlo), Mai-tat (Tarsis), Nilat the Corruptor (Icewall), Tamex the False Metal (Thorbardin), Lady Chaos (Mithas), Darklady (Ogre), Mwarg (Hobgoblin)
Symbol: black crescent
Colors: black and iridescent black
Sphere of Influence: night, evil dragons, hatred, intrigue, chaos
Home Plane: First plane of the Infernal Realms in the Nine Hells

Takhisis' Avatar
25th level Wizard or Priest
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Avatar Descriptions
Takhisis can assume any form, but her two favorites are a five-headed chromatic dragon and a beautiful temptress of human or elvan stock. Rumors claim she also assumes avatar forms of a giant serpent and any multiheaded creature such as a hydra or leviathan. In other forms, refer to the beast type she has assumed and triple the statistics for her abilities.

Takhisis' God Stats
Greater God
40th level Cleric/Wizard

Takhisis is the embodiment of Evil. She enjoys preying upon the weaknesses of others, using their hearts' desires to enslave them. She is cold and brilliant; exploitation has become second nature to her. Takhisis hates Good, loves cruelty, and hoards wealth. She still happily dweels in her former prison, the Nine Hells, served by abishai and Evil dragons.
Takhisis does not take defeats easily. She still hopes to bring all of Krynn under her tyranny. She realizes that dragons and draconians will not be easily driven from Ansalon. They still control land and are able and willing to fight. What Takhisis needs now is a group of powerful lieutenants to replace losses like Kitiara and Lord Soth. She also seeks the eggs of Good dragons, to create more powerful draconians. Finally, to fill her thinned ranks, Takhisis has launched a campaign of seduction and temptation, offering great power in return for obedience. Some say Chemosh has even given her especially wicked undead to return to Ansalon in new bodies. Though Paladine is her long-time enemy, Kiri-Jolith causes her the most concern. She has ordered all her followers to slay worshippers of Kiri-Jolith and desecrate his temples on sight.
In the age of Dreams, Takhisis was Paladine's mate and consort. The two gods were equals in every way. But when they forged the first beings of creation, the dragons built of chaos, Takhisis grew jealous. She wished to be the only first creator; she wanted the first creatures to bear the stamp of her being. And she devised a way to make it so. The nascent Dark Queen corrupted the dragons, draining the nobility from their blood and installing savage fury instead. Paladine was deeply grieved, a sorrow that pleased his lover. By the warping of these first creations, Takhisis forever divided the families of gods.
She quitted Paladine and consorted with Sargonnas, god of fury and vengeance. They had two offspring: Nuitari, god of black magic, and Zeboim, goddess of the sea and storms. The passion between Takhisis and Sargonnas has been intense and volatile, vacillating between insatiable lust and rancorous loathing. Takhisis bore one other child, Artha, demi-goddess of wanton lust and greed. Originally believed to be a child from a passing liaison with Chemosh, Artha was in truth sired by Hiddukel masquerading as Chemosh.
But such dalliances did not distract Takhisis from her ultimate goal - domination. She turned her attention next to the star-spirits, wanting to form them into pawns to wage the deadly wars she planned against the other gods. Discovering her scheme, the other gods refused. The All-Saints War resulted. The war ended in a stalemate and Takhisis, furious that she could not own the star-spirits, bestowed upon them weakness, disease, and death.
She has not spent an idle moment since. All three Dragon Wars began as her ruses to seize power. Between these wars, she brought about countless plagues and senseless slaughters. Surely worse catastrophies would have befallen had not Huma used the Dragonlance to drive Takhisis from Krynn and banish her to the Nine Hells. Along with her, dragons both Evil and Good sank deep into the ground and slept. Soon they lived only in folktales and legends.
The Queen of Darkness made her home in Avernus, first layer of the Infernal Realms. Her domain was Abthalom, the Nether Reaches. During her rule, Abthalom was in a state of constant flux, mirroring the tempestuous moods of its mistress. While she awaited a chance to escape, she tortured the spirits of dead folk consigned to live in the Nine Hells because of their Evil.
At last, the Kingpriest's pride provided Takhisis a means of escape. Using the Kingpriest's vanity like the strings of a puppet, she ruled Istar through him. For one glorious, heinous century, Takhisis spread her power from Istar to the four corners of Ansalon. At last, the other gods could stand by no longer.
So came the Cataclysm.
The Cataclysm nearly destroyed Ansalon and all of Krynn, a result Takhisis little minded. Worse yet, she actually benefitted from the Cataclysm. When the mountain fell, she drew the Temple of the Kingpriest down the Nether Reaches. Then, using the Temple's innate connection to Krynn, Takhisis forged a gateway back to Krynn. Returning, she nullified Huma's banishment.
Since that time, Takhisis's Evil armies have massed and her wicked plans have advanced. Currently, she is worshipped by the Dragon Highlords, ogres, the goblin races, the draconian armies, and some despicable humans.

Silver Lance Bar
Silver Lance Bar

Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven