Tanis Half-Elven



Tanis was born in Qualinesti in the year 258ac. His mother, Elansa, wife of Kethrenan, Solosteran's little brother. Tanis' father was an unknown human how raped his mother and killed his supposed to be father when he and his bandi friends were just "passing through".

Eld Ailea, a mid-wife, named his "Tanthalas" meaning "Ever Strong" in the elven dialect. She chose this name because she knew he would need to be strong in order to overcome prejudices from the elves because of his human half.

When he was born, his mother died after getting to hold him, she had lived only long enough to give birth since she had truly died when her husband had. Solostaran took him into his home as one of his children because he was the son of his brothers wife.

Growing up in Qualinesti was not an easy task for young Tanis, he had conflicts with his adopted brothers and their sister Laurana, whom fell in love with him. Tanis also fell in love with her but know it could never be so he told her so. She made a fuss about it (as any girl would) and caused more trouble for young Tanis.

A dwarf named Flint Fireforge was invited to come to Qualinesti and soon became good friends with Tanis, trying to teach him all he could.

After too many conflicts and the adventure lust of his human blood took shape, he and Flint left Qualinost in search for adventure.

Because of his two intermingling bloods, Tanis felt he had no belonging anywhere.

Humans had a hard time pronouncing his elven name so it was shortened to just "Tanis".

Tanis has great diplomatic skills and soon became Flint's business partner. Soon after they met Tasslehoff Burrfoot and here the start of his real advanture began.

Tanis became the "appointed leader" of a group of young adventurers. During this time he fell in love with Kitiara.

After separating for five years, he regrouped with his friends and the start of becoming the leader of the "Nine Heroes" took shape.

Tanis led the "Nine" to victory during the "War of The Lance". During this time he met up with his childhood sweetheart, Laurana, as well as have a few bouts with his old flame Kitiara.

Eventually, Tanis and Laurana were married and together they had a son named Gilthas, who would later become the Speaker of the Sun.

Tanis was killed during the Chaos War by the hands of a Dark Knight of Takhisis.

Silver Lance Bar
Silver Lance Bar

Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven