Other Names: Rann (Ergoth), Zyr (Tarsis), Zebir Jotun (Icewall),
Bhezomiax (Thorbardin), Maelstrom (Mithas)
Symbol: turtle-shell pattern
Colors: green, red
Sphere of Influence: the sea, undead sea races, storms, tempests,
weather, jealousy
Home Plane: Pandemonium
Zeboim's Avatar
20th level Priest or
15th level Druid
Alignment: Chaotic
Avatar Descriptions
Though Zeboim can assume a human form, she favors the form of
a giant sea turtle with a human female face.
Zeboim's God Stats
Intermediate God
30th level Cleric/Druid
Zeboim is temperamental, fickle, and thoroughly unpredictable.
Like the sea, which she created, she can shift from placidness to
violence in mere moments. Also like the sea, she harbors
unplumbed depths of utter blackness.
Despite her rebellious nature, Zeboim refuses to cross her mother
Takhisis. Neither does she cooperate too fully unless in an
uncommonly amiable mood. On the other hand, Zeboim ignores
her father Sargonnas, considering him weak and unworthy of
Takhisis' attentions.
Zeboim has never had many priests. She little cares to change this
fact. She wars against Habbakuk, god of marine life, for control
over the seas. Habbakuk's control beyond the seas makes her
mad with rage. Zeboim, therefore, offers rewards of extremely
favorable weather to any who will kill followers of Habbakuk and
hunt to extinction his people in the sea. She recruits Evil aquatic
races and Evil coastal races. She provides her followers the vast
wealth of lost treasure ships.
Zeboim the Sea Queen is the impetuous and volatile daughter of
Takhisis and Sargonnas. Her unpredictable tempers make her a
dangerous foe and a lethal friend.
As creator of the sea, tempests, and weather, Zeboim receives
petitions and sacrifices from seamen wishing good weather and
safe journey. Though some manage to avoid her rage, others who
displease her through some real or imagined slight never see harbor
Dwarves know nothing of Zeboim. To pay back their ignorance,
Zeboim delights in spilling dwarves from boats and watching their
heavy-boned bodies sink to the bottom.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven