Other Names: The World Tree, the Tree of Life (Qualinesti,
Silvanesti), Wise One (Mithas)
Symbol: a great green or gold tree, sometimes a vallenwood
Colors: green, gold
Sphere of Influence: wisdom
Home Plane: Everywhere and nowhere
Zivilyn's Avatar
18th level Priest
Alignment: Neutral
Avatar Descriptions
Zivilyn assumes many different forms. Some have seen him as an
old, balding man with a long beard. Though sighted, his eyes
appear as twin windows looking out into space. Any who gaze into
those eyes will learn his future, including the circumstances of his
death. Others report Zivilyn as a prophetic child with black skin,
white hair, and eyes of quicksilver. Recently, several scholars have
even proposed that the ageless Astinus of Palanthus is a branch of
Zivilyn. After all, Zivilyn may maintain several avatars at one time,
and Astinus may be one of them. In whatever form, Zivilyn wields
a simple wooden cane that will obey any command it is given.
Zivilyn's God Stats
Intermediate God
35th level Cleric/Monk
Despite Zivilyn's wisdom, many find him aloof. His concern with
harmony and balance prevents him from approaching other gods
or mortals. His wisdom also makes him imperturbably quiet. Many
misinterpret these two traits as conceit, though Zivilyn is in truth
one of the most approachable and sympathetic gods.
Zivilyn works with Chislev to restore nature because he loves
Chislev and because nature is the cradle of wisdom. He wants to
teach the folk of Krynn a wisdom that transcends Good and Evil,
wisdom unfettered by any order. Zivilyn occasionally sends
worshippers in search of lost libraries and fonts of wisdom, though,
often, he calls them to seek wisdom in themselves.
Zivilyn, god of all wisdom, is the celestial Tree of Life. His
branches and roots extend into all times and places. Much as
Gilean holds the knowledge of the universe, Zivilyn holds its
wisdom. He acts not according to the dictates of his mind, but
according to those of his heart.
Because wisdom is incomplete without knowledge and knowledge
is incomplete without wisdom, Zivilyn and Gilean work closesly
together. Zivilyn is companion of Chislev; most mortals view this
relationship as the perfect marriage of harmony and understanding.
Last Updated 1st day of Autumn Dark, 2000
By Lissenna Half-Elven